Additionally, it was decided that the ECB would have the same status as regular investors in the event of a default, eliminating past investor concern as to seniority. 第四,如果出现违约,欧洲央行将拥有与普通投资者相同的地位,消除了过去投资者担心的欧洲央行可能优先获偿的问题。
Credit default swaps provide a way for investors to make money in the event of a default. CDS为投资者提供了违约情况下的获利机会。
Assets pledged by a borrower to secure a loan or other credit, and subject to seizure in the event of default. 借方用来担保贷款或其他信贷的资产,银行在违约时可以就这些资产变现所得价款优先受偿。
Offshore bondholders of Chinese companies are typically last in line for repayment in the event of default. 在出现违约时,中国企业的离岸债券持有者通常是最后一个偿付对象。
Collateral acts as the financial equivalent of WD-40, oiling the cogs of global markets by providing lenders with some security in the event of a default. 抵押资产相当于金融业的wd-40注1,通过在债务人拖欠债务时为债权人提供一点保障,保证全球市场顺利运转。
That creates a vicious circle: as more borrowing is secured, fewer assets are available to other creditors in the event of default. 这就导致了一种恶性循环:随着越来越多的贷款被担保,另一些债权人在其债务人发生债务违约时能获得的资产就越来越少了。
I discovered in the event of default, my credit card company had the right to increase the interest rate. 我发现,在发生违约时,我的信用卡公司有权提高利率。
Failure to pass these additional completion tests would result in an event of default and potential acceleration of the debt. 如果不能通过这些额外的完工测试,则会被认定为是一个违约事件,从而潜在地有可能造成被要求加速还债的后果。
Netting may take several forms which have varying degrees of legal enforceability in the event of default of one of the parties. 轧差可采用不同的方式进行,这些方式在一方丧失清偿能力的情况下,其法律强制轧差的程度不尽相同。
Jack Lew, US Treasury secretary, earlier said there was no guarantee that international investors would take priority over social security recipients and other creditors in the event of a default. 美国财政部长杰克卢(JackLew)早些时候指出,若发生违约,国际投资者相对于社保受益人和其他债权人的优先权并无保障。
Notice of Default: shall refer to the notice issued by Pledgee in accordance with this Agreement declaring an Event of Default. 股权:指出质人现在和将来合法持有的其在丙方的全部股权权益。
It uses funds posted by its members – known as margin, or collateral – to ensure deals are completed in the event of default. CCP使用其会员的资金称为保证金,即抵押确保交易在违约情况下也能完成。
Under the new system, S& P will publicly disclose its rating and the rationale, including the prospects for recovery in the event of default. 在新体系下,标准普尔将公开披露其评级和评定理由,包括出现债务违约情况下收回的可能性。
In the event of a default, a global bank would have little choice but to go to court in London or Singapore, where most of these contracts are governed, even though any victory could prove Pyrrhic. 如果出现违约,全球银行将只能选择在伦敦或新加坡大多数此类合约的仲裁地点提起诉讼,尽管即使胜诉也将付出惨重代价。
Building up a fund at the European Central Bank, that can be drawn in the event of a Greek default, would be one option. 一种做法是在欧洲央行(ecb)建立一个基金,可在希腊违约时提取。
Investors will normally be paid in the event of a default. 在发生违约的情况下,投资者通常仍会获得赔偿。
Clearing houses stand between two parties in a trade, ensuring a deal is completed in the event of a default. 清算所是一笔交易中处于交易双方中间的第三方,以保证在其中任意一方发生违约的情况下交易仍能完成。
The gross value of derivatives contracts that pay out in the event of a US default has doubled from year ago levels, according to the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, which collects data on global trading of credit default swaps ( CDS). 负责汇集全球信用违约互换(cds)交易数据的美国存托和清算公司(dtcc)表示,一旦美国出现违约情况,将进行偿付的衍生品合约总值已经较一年前增长了一倍。
The thing that made us aware that not filing financial statements was an event of default and, therefore, something that would entitle you to the payment immediately. 这件事情让我们意识到,没有发布财务报表是一种违约行为,而且是这种行为可以让你有权,要求立即付款。
Hence in the event of a default by the bank causes any unreconciled shortfall in the money held in the pooled account, then you may share proportionately in that shortfall. 因此,一旦用来存储您的账户资金的银行失职而造成账户内任何现金的损失,您需要在一定程度上按比例承担一部分损失。
In return, the long investors 'principal payments for the bonds are set aside to cover insurance claims in the event of a default. 反过来,多头投资者购买债券支付的本金将留作拨备,用于在债券池出现违约时支付保险赔偿金。
Bank credit default swaps which offer investors protection in the event of a default were closely watched during the financial crisis with some critics arguing that they tipped some groups closer to collapse. 针对银行的信贷违约互换合约(cds,能在出现债务违约时保护投资人)在金融危机期间被投资者密切关注,甚至有批评者认为,正是这类合约将一些金融集团推向了崩溃。
For companies that we thought had backdated stock options, that we could buy their bonds at what they would trade for without this potential event of default. 对于那些我们认为已经追溯股票期权的公司,我们会在没有潜在违约风险下进行交易的价格,购买他们的债券。
By protecting depositor from the loss in the event of bank default, can deposit insurance lower bank system risk and enhance the stability of financial system? 存款保险制度能否通过对可能的存款损失提供保险来降低银行风险,维护金融系统的稳定?
On the other hand, the law should improve the event of default risk burden, including risk burden about undesirable quantity of objects and delaying payment by sellers. 另一方面,完善违约情况下的风险负担规则,包括标的物数量不合要求时的风险负担和出卖人迟延给付时的风险负担。
In particular, defaults presents obvious aggregation, that is, when a firm defaults, other firms related will also have a bad operating condition and result in an event of default. 特别是违约的发生呈现出一定的聚集性,即当一个企业违约发生时,和该企业相关联的其他企业也常常会出现经营状况恶化的情况,以致发生违约事件。
Should see the still outstanding problems in water conservancy construction in the achieved significant flood achievement while: Intermodulation single level of water diversion line, fragile aquatic ecosystems construction event of default, the urban rivers flood and waterlogging standard is low. 在取得重大治水成就的同时,也应看到水利建设中依旧存在的突出问题:调水线路单一高低水源互调、水系生态脆弱建设欠账大、城区河道防洪除涝标准低等。
The general view now of France is in the event of default could be argued that the spirit of damages. 法国现在的一般说法是在违约的情况下可以主张精神损害赔偿。
After further analysis, we can find: In the event of default, to achieve the degree of fundamental breach must cause the lifting of the contract, but not to the extent that the breach does not necessarily lead to the termination of the contract. 进一步分析后,我们可以发现:在违约的情况下,达到根本违约程度必然引起合同的解除,而未达到这一程度的违约行为并不必然引起合同解除。